

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package m2m.backend.vhdl;
00003 import;
00004 import;
00005 import;
00006 import java.util.Vector;
00009 import m2m.backend.project.ExternalToolsProperties;
00010 import m2m.backend.project.M2MProject;
00011 import m2m.backend.structure.Assignment;
00012 import m2m.backend.structure.Element;
00013 import m2m.backend.structure.Function;
00014 import m2m.backend.structure.IfThenElse;
00015 import m2m.backend.structure.LoopFor;
00016 import m2m.backend.structure.Operation;
00017 import m2m.backend.utils.FileUtils;
00019 import m2m.backend.buildingblocks.BuildingBlock;
00031 public class CompileScriptCreator {
00033         private Function top;
00034         private boolean loopFor;
00036         public CompileScriptCreator(Function top) {
00037        = top;
00038                 this.loopFor = false;
00039         }
00047         public boolean createCompileScript(M2MProject project,String projectPath, String outFile) {             
00048                 String fileName = project.getSimPath()+"/";
00049                 File compileFile = new File(fileName);
00050                 FileWriter fw;
00051                 try {
00052                         fw = new FileWriter(compileFile);
00053                         String script = new String();
00054                         script = createScript(project,projectPath, outFile);
00055                         fw.write(script);
00056                         fw.close();
00057                 } catch (IOException e) {
00058                         e.printStackTrace();
00059                         return false;
00060                 } catch (VHDLException e) {
00061                         e.printStackTrace();
00062                         return false;
00063                 }
00065                 return true;
00066         }
00075         private String createScript(M2MProject project,String projectPath, String outFile) throws VHDLException {
00076                 String script = new String();
00078                 //get the type of fifo the user wants (Standard/Altera/Xilinx)
00079                 String fifoType = project.getOptimisationProperties().getFifoType();
00081         //      String libDir = System.getProperty("user.dir").replace("\\", "/") + "/lib/VHDL/";
00082                 String libDir = M2MProject.getLibPath()+"/VHDL/";
00083                 String vhdlDir = project.getVHDLPath()+"/";
00085 //              script += "set Path \"" + projectPath.substring(0, projectPath.length() - 1) + "\"\n";
00086                 script += "set Path \"..\"\n";
00087                 script += "set compPath \"$Path/"+M2MProject.getCompDirName()+"\"\n";
00088                 script += "set srcSVPath \"$Path/"+M2MProject.getSVDirName()+"\"\n";
00089                 script += "set srcVHDLPath \"$Path/"+M2MProject.getVHDLDirName()+"\"\n";
00090                 script += "set workPath \"$Path/"+M2MProject.getCompDirName()+"/work\"\n";
00091                 script += "vlib $workPath\n\n";
00092                 script += "vmap work $workPath\n\n";
00095                 if (ExternalToolsProperties.getReference().getSimulationFiles()==ExternalToolsProperties.SIMULATIONFILES_UVM) {
00096                         // For independent UVM
00097                         script += "## compile uvm\n";
00098                         script += "set uvmPath \"$Path/"+M2MProject.getCompDirName()+"/m2mUvm\"\n";
00099                         script += "vlib $uvmPath\n";
00100                         script += "vmap m2mUvm $uvmPath\n";
00101                 }
00102                 else {
00103                         // For independent OVM
00104                         script += "## compile ovm\n";
00105                         script += "set ovmPath \"$Path/"+M2MProject.getCompDirName()+"/m2mOvm\"\n";
00106                         script += "vlib $ovmPath\n";
00107                         script += "vmap m2mOvm $ovmPath\n";
00108                 }
00110                 if (ExternalToolsProperties.getReference().getSimulationFiles()==ExternalToolsProperties.SIMULATIONFILES_UVM)
00111                         script += "vlog -work m2mUvm +incdir+$srcSVPath/uvm/src $srcSVPath/uvm/src/\n\n";
00112                 else if (ExternalToolsProperties.getReference().getSimulationFiles()==ExternalToolsProperties.SIMULATIONFILES_M2MOVM)
00113                         script += "vlog -work m2mOvm +define+M2M_USE_OVM +incdir+$srcSVPath/ovm/src $srcSVPath/ovm/src/\n\n";
00114                 else
00115                         script += "vlog -work m2mOvm +define+M2M_USE_OVM +incdir+$srcSVPath/ovm_original/src $srcSVPath/ovm_original/src/\n\n";
00118                 //copy standard VHDL files and add the line in the script to compile them
00119                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "pkg_definition.vhd", vhdlDir + "pkg_definition.vhd");
00120                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "pkg_cellule.vhd", vhdlDir + "pkg_cellule.vhd");
00121                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "misc.vhd", vhdlDir + "misc.vhd");
00122                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_std.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_std.vhd");
00123                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/pkg_definition.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_std.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/pkg_cellule.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/misc.vhd\"\n";
00124                 //compile other VHDL files
00125                 Vector<Element> body =;
00127                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
00128                 Vector<Element> bodyclone = (Vector<Element>) body.clone();
00129                 Vector<Element> operations = findOperations(bodyclone);
00130                 //delete same elements to keep just one, it avoids to compile n-times the same file
00131                 for (int i = 0; i < operations.size() - 1; i++) {
00132                         for (int j = i + 1; j < operations.size(); j++) {
00133                                 if ((operations.elementAt(i) instanceof Operation) && (operations.elementAt(j) instanceof Operation) &&
00134                                                 !(operations.elementAt(i) instanceof Assignment) && !(operations.elementAt(j) instanceof Assignment)) {
00135                                         Operation op1 = (Operation)operations.elementAt(i);
00136                                         Operation op2 = (Operation)operations.elementAt(j);
00137                                         if (op1.getBlock().entityName().equalsIgnoreCase(op2.getBlock().entityName())) {
00138                                                 operations.remove(j);
00139                                                 j--;
00140                                         }
00141                                 }
00142                         }
00143                 }
00145                 //find each operation and add it in the compile script
00146                 for (Element el : operations) {
00147                         if (el instanceof Operation && !(el instanceof Assignment)) {
00148                                 Operation op = (Operation) el;
00149                                 BuildingBlock block = op.getBlock();
00150                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\""; 
00151                                 //copy and add dependent files
00152                                 if (block.dependentFiles()!=null)
00153                                         for (int i = 0; i < block.dependentFiles().size(); i++) {
00154                                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + block.dependentFiles().get(i), vhdlDir + block.dependentFiles().get(i));
00155                                                 script += " \"$srcVHDLPath/" + block.dependentFiles().get(i) + "\"";
00156                                         }
00157                                 //copy and add the operation block file
00158                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + block.vhdlFileName(), vhdlDir + block.vhdlFileName());
00159                                 script += " \"$srcVHDLPath/" + block.vhdlFileName() + "\"";
00160                                 //add the wrapper file
00161                                 script += " \"$srcVHDLPath/wrapper_" + block.entityName() + ".vhd\"\n";
00162                         }
00163                 }
00165                 //find loop and add it to the compile script
00166                 for (Element el : {
00167                         if (el instanceof LoopFor) {
00168                                 LoopFor loop = (LoopFor) el;
00169                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/log_pkg.vhd\"";
00170                                 script += " \"$srcVHDLPath/loop_" + loop.getName() + ".vhd\"\n"; 
00171                                 //copy necessary files
00172                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "log_pkg.vhd", vhdlDir + "log_pkg.vhd");
00173                         }
00174                 }
00176                 //copy the necessary files for fifo, if there are used
00177                 if (project.getUseFifo()) {
00178                         if (fifoType.equalsIgnoreCase("Altera")) {
00179                                 File alteraDir = new File(vhdlDir+"altera_mf");
00180                                 alteraDir.mkdir();
00181                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "log_pkg.vhd", vhdlDir + "log_pkg.vhd");
00182                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_Altera.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_Altera.vhd");
00183                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd", vhdlDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd");
00184                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd", vhdlDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd");
00185                                 script += "vmap altera_mf work\n";
00186                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/log_pkg.vhd\"\n";
00187                                 script += "vcom -work altera_mf \"$srcVHDLPath/altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd\"\n";
00188                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_Altera.vhd\"\n";
00189                         } else if (fifoType.equalsIgnoreCase("Xilinx")) {
00190                                 File xilinxDir = new File(vhdlDir+"XilinxCoreLib");
00191                                 xilinxDir.mkdir();
00192                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/fifo_generator_v4_3.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/fifo_generator_v4_3.vhd");
00193                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_conv.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_conv.vhd");
00194                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_misc.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_misc.vhd");
00195                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_arith.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_arith.vhd");
00196                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_unsigned.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_unsigned.vhd");
00197                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_Xilinx.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_Xilinx.vhd");
00198                                 script += "vmap XilinxCoreLib work\n";
00199                                 script += "vcom -work XilinxCoreLib \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_conv.vhd\"" +
00200                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_misc.vhd\"" +
00201                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_arith.vhd\"" +
00202                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_unsigned.vhd\"" +
00203                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/fifo_generator_v4_3.vhd\"\n"; 
00204                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_Xilinx.vhd\"\n"; 
00205                         } else {
00206                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_std.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_std.vhd");
00207                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_std.vhd\"\n"; 
00208                         }
00209                 }
00211                 //if there is a loop for in the design
00212                 if (loopFor) {
00213                         FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "Init_Input.vhd", vhdlDir + "Init_Input.vhd");
00214                         FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "Counter_Wr.vhd", vhdlDir + "Counter_Wr.vhd");
00215                         FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "Counter_Rd.vhd", vhdlDir + "Counter_Rd.vhd");
00216                         FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "Read_Result.vhd", vhdlDir + "Read_Result.vhd");
00217                         FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "Memory.vhd", vhdlDir + "Memory.vhd");
00218                         script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/Init_Input.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/Counter_Rd.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/Read_Result.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/Memory.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/Counter_Wr.vhd\"\n";
00219                         if (fifoType.equalsIgnoreCase("Altera")) {
00220                                 File alteraDir = new File(vhdlDir+"altera_mf");
00221                                 alteraDir.mkdir();
00222                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "log_pkg.vhd", vhdlDir + "log_pkg.vhd");
00223                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_Altera.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_Altera.vhd");
00224                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd", vhdlDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd");
00225                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd", vhdlDir + "altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd");
00226                                 script += "vmap altera_mf work\n";
00227                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/log_pkg.vhd\"\n";
00228                                 script += "vcom -work altera_mf \"$srcVHDLPath/altera_mf/altera_mf_components.vhd\" \"$srcVHDLPath/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd\"\n";
00229                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_Altera.vhd\"\n";
00230                         } else if (fifoType.equalsIgnoreCase("Xilinx")) {
00231                                 File xilinxDir = new File(vhdlDir+"XilinxCoreLib");
00232                                 xilinxDir.mkdir();
00233                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/fifo_generator_v4_3.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/fifo_generator_v4_3.vhd");
00234                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_conv.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_conv.vhd");
00235                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_misc.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_misc.vhd");
00236                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_arith.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_arith.vhd");
00237                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_unsigned.vhd", vhdlDir + "XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_unsigned.vhd");
00238                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_Xilinx.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_Xilinx.vhd");
00239                                 script += "vmap XilinxCoreLib work\n";
00240                                 script += "vcom -work XilinxCoreLib \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_conv.vhd\"" +
00241                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_misc.vhd\"" +
00242                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_arith.vhd\"" +
00243                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/iputils_std_logic_unsigned.vhd\"" +
00244                                                 " \"$srcVHDLPath/XilinxCoreLib/fifo_generator_v4_3.vhd\"\n"; 
00245                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_Xilinx.vhd\"\n"; 
00246                         } else {
00247                                 FileUtils.copyFile(libDir + "fifo_std.vhd", vhdlDir + "fifo_std.vhd");
00248                                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/fifo_std.vhd\"\n";
00249                         } 
00250                 }
00252                 //script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$Math2Mat_srcVHDL/fifo_std.vhd\"\n"; 
00254                 script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcVHDLPath/" +".vhd\"\n\n";
00255 //              script += "vcom -work \"$workPath\" \"" + outFile.replace("\\", "/") + "\"\n\n";
00256                 //compile System verilog files
00257 //              script += "vlog -work \"$workPath\" \"$srcSVPath/\" \"$srcSVPath/\"\n";
00260                 if (ExternalToolsProperties.getReference().getSimulationFiles()==ExternalToolsProperties.SIMULATIONFILES_UVM) {
00261                         script += "vlog -work \"$workPath\" +incdir+$srcSVPath -L m2mUvm \"$srcSVPath/\" \"$srcSVPath/\"\n";
00262                         //launch simulation
00263                         script += "vsim -vopt  +incdir+\"$srcSVPath\" -L m2mUvm work.M2M_TB work.M2M_harness\n";
00264                 }
00265                 else {
00266                         script += "vlog -work \"$workPath\" +incdir+$srcSVPath +define+M2M_USE_OVM -L m2mOvm \"$srcSVPath/\" \"$srcSVPath/\"\n";
00267                         //launch simulation
00268                         script += "vsim -vopt  +incdir+\"$srcSVPath\" -L m2mOvm work.M2M_TB work.M2M_harness\n";
00269                 }
00271                 script += "run -all";
00272                 return script;
00273         }
00275         private Vector<Element> findOperations(Vector<Element> elements) throws VHDLException {
00276                 Vector<Element> operations = new Vector<Element>();
00278                 for (Element el : elements) {
00279                         if (el instanceof Function) {
00280                                 if (el instanceof IfThenElse) {
00281                                         operations.addAll(findOperations(((IfThenElse)el).getBodyFalse()));
00282                                         operations.addAll(findOperations(((IfThenElse)el).getBodyTrue()));
00283                                         operations.addAll(findOperations(((IfThenElse)el).getCond()));
00284                                 } else if (el instanceof LoopFor) {
00285                                         operations.addAll(findOperations(((LoopFor)el).getBody()));
00286                                         operations.add(((LoopFor)el).getIterOperation());
00287                                         loopFor = true;
00288                                 }
00289                         } else if (el instanceof Operation && !(el instanceof Assignment)) {
00290                                 Operation op = (Operation) el;
00291                                 BuildingBlock blockOp = op.getBlock();
00292                                 if (blockOp == null) {
00293                                         throw new VHDLException("No material description for the operation : " +
00294                                                           op.getName());
00295                                 } else {
00296                                         operations.add(op);
00297                                         for (int j = 0; j < blockOp.nbInputs(); j++) {
00298                                                 if (op.getInputAt(j) instanceof Operation) {
00299                                                         Vector<Element> item = new Vector<Element>();
00300                                                         item.add(op.getInputAt(j));
00301                                                         operations.addAll(findOperations(item));
00302                                                 }
00303                                         }
00304                                 }
00305                         }
00306                 }
00307                 return operations;
00308         }
00310 }
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