

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /******************************************************************************
00002  *                                                                                      StructTreatment
00003  ******************************************************************************
00004  * Auteur               : Trolliet Gregory
00005  * Date                 : 4 mars 2009
00006  * Description :
00007  ******************************************************************************/
00008 package m2m.backend.structure;
00010 import org.w3c.dom.*;
00012 import m2m.backend.buildingblocks.BuildingBlock;
00013 import m2m.backend.buildingblocks.BuildingBlock.NumType;
00015 import java.util.Vector;
00016 import;
00017 import;
00018 import;
00019 import;
00020 import;
00021 import;
00022 import;
00023 import java.util.Calendar;
00024 import java.util.Iterator;
00025 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
00026 import java.util.HashMap;
00027 import java.util.ArrayList;
00031 import m2m.backend.octaveparser.*;
00032 import m2m.backend.project.ProjectRef;
00033 import m2m.backend.utils.FileUtils;
00034 import m2m.backend.utils.XMLUtils;
00035 import m2m.backend.vhdl.*;
00044 public class StructTreatment extends ProjectRef 
00045 {       
00049         private int tmpCpt;
00053         private int opCpt;
00057         private Function top;
00061         private Vector<String> negList;
00065         private HashMap<String, String> pragmaMap;
00069         private HashMap<String, SimpleVariable> varMap;
00073         public static final String TMP_NAME = "m2mtmp"; 
00077         private int nbMonitor = 0;
00081         private long parseTime;
00086         private String sourceMd5;
00091         private String sourceCode;
00096         public StructTreatment() {
00097                 this.tmpCpt = 0;
00098                 this.opCpt = 0;
00099        = null;
00100                 this.negList = new Vector<String>();
00101                 this.pragmaMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
00102                 this.varMap = new HashMap<String, SimpleVariable>();
00103                 this.nbMonitor=0;
00104         }
00111         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
00112         public StructTreatment copy() {
00113                 StructTreatment clone=new StructTreatment();
00114                 clone.tmpCpt=this.tmpCpt;
00115                 clone.opCpt=this.opCpt;
00116        Function();
00117       ;
00118                 clone.negList = (Vector<String>)this.negList.clone();
00119                 clone.pragmaMap = (HashMap<String, String>)this.pragmaMap.clone();
00120                 clone.varMap = (HashMap<String, SimpleVariable>)this.varMap.clone();
00121                 clone.nbMonitor = this.nbMonitor;
00122                 return clone;
00123         }
00125         public void modifyNumType(NumType type) {
00126                 top.modifyNumType(type);
00127         }
00134         public long getParseTime() {
00135                 return parseTime;
00136         }
00142         public void setTop(Function top) {
00143        = top;
00144         }
00150         public Function getTop() {
00151                 return;
00152         }
00158         public Vector<Element> getInput() {
00159                 return ((Function);
00160         }
00166         public Vector<Element> getOutput() {
00167                 return ((Function);
00168         }
00174         public String getName() {
00175                 return top.getName();
00176         }
00183         public void parse(File file) throws ParsingException 
00184         {
00185                 InputStream in = null;
00186                 try {
00187                         in = new FileInputStream(file.getPath());
00188                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
00189                         System.out.println("Le fichier n'existe pas!");
00190                         e.printStackTrace();
00191                         System.exit(0);
00192                 } catch (SecurityException e) {
00193                         e.printStackTrace();
00194                 }
00196                 OctaveLexer lexer = new OctaveLexer(in);
00197                 OctaveParser parser = new OctaveParser(lexer);
00198                 // Create the top entity of the structure
00199        = new Function();
00200                 parser.setTop(;
00201                 parser.setTreat(this);
00202                 try {
00203                         parser.entry();
00204                         if (!parser.isSuccessful())
00205                                 throw new ParsingException("Parsing error");
00206                         this.treeToVector();
00207                         this.postParse(top);
00208                         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
00209                         parseTime = cal.getTime().getTime();
00210 //                      long timeCurrent = cal.getTime().getTime() / 100000;
00211                 } catch (Exception e) {
00212                         throw new ParsingException(e);
00213                 }
00214                 sourceMd5=FileUtils.getMd5(file.getAbsolutePath());
00216                 sourceCode = FileUtils.readFileAsString(file.getAbsolutePath());
00217         }
00223         public void parseNoFlat(File file) throws ParsingException 
00224         {
00225                 InputStream in = null;
00226                 try {
00227                         in = new FileInputStream(file.getPath());
00228                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
00229                         System.out.println("Le fichier n'existe pas!");
00230                         e.printStackTrace();
00231                         System.exit(0);
00232                 } catch (SecurityException e) {
00233                         e.printStackTrace();
00234                 }
00236                 OctaveLexer lexer = new OctaveLexer(in);
00237                 OctaveParser parser = new OctaveParser(lexer);
00238                 // Create the top entity of the structure
00239        = new Function();
00240                 parser.setTop(;
00241                 parser.setTreat(this);
00242                 try {
00243                         parser.entry();
00244                         if (!parser.isSuccessful())
00245                                 throw new ParsingException("Parsing error");
00246                         //OptimizeOperators opt=new OptimizeOperators(this);
00247                         //opt.optimise();
00248                         this.postParse(top);
00249                         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
00250                         parseTime = cal.getTime().getTime();
00251 //                      long timeCurrent = cal.getTime().getTime() / 100000;
00252                 } catch (Exception e) {
00253                         throw new ParsingException(e);
00254                 }
00255                 sourceMd5=FileUtils.getMd5(file.getAbsolutePath());
00257                 sourceCode = FileUtils.readFileAsString(file.getAbsolutePath());
00258         }
00260         public String getSourceMd5() {
00261                 return sourceMd5;
00262         }
00264         public String getSourceCode() {
00265                 return sourceCode;
00266         }
00273         public void parse(String code) throws ParsingException 
00274         {
00276                 InputStream in = null;
00277                 in = new ByteArrayInputStream(code.getBytes());
00279                 OctaveLexer lexer = new OctaveLexer(in);
00280                 OctaveParser parser = new OctaveParser(lexer);
00281                 // Create the top entity of the structure
00282        = new Function();
00283                 parser.setTop(;
00284                 parser.setTreat(this);
00285                 try {
00286                         parser.entry();
00287                         if (!parser.isSuccessful())
00288                                 throw new ParsingException("Parsing error");
00289                 //      OptimizeOperators opt=new OptimizeOperators(this);
00290                 //      opt.optimise();
00291                         this.treeToVector();
00292                         this.postParse(top);
00293                         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
00294                         parseTime = cal.getTime().getTime();
00295                 } catch (Exception e) {
00296                         throw new ParsingException(e);
00297                 }
00298                 sourceMd5=FileUtils.getStringMd5(code);
00299                 sourceCode=code;
00300         }
00309         public Vector<Element> createOp(
00310                           Vector<Element> a, Vector<Element> b, Operation op) {
00311                 Vector<Element> vec = new Vector<Element>();
00312                 // Add all the elements of a and remove the last. That's the one to
00313                 // treat.
00314                 vec.addAll(a);
00315                 vec.remove(vec.lastIndexOf(a.lastElement()));
00316                 if (a.lastElement() instanceof Negation) {
00317                         vec.add(a.lastElement());
00318                         op.addInput(((Negation) a.lastElement()).getOutputAt(0));
00319                 } else {
00320                         op.addInput(a.lastElement());
00321                 }
00322                 // Same operation that with a
00323                 vec.addAll(b);
00324                 vec.remove(vec.lastIndexOf(b.lastElement()));
00325                 if (b.lastElement() instanceof Negation) {
00326                         vec.add(b.lastElement());
00327                         op.addInput(((Negation) b.lastElement()).getOutputAt(0));
00328                 } else {
00329                         op.addInput(b.lastElement());
00330                 }
00331                 op.setName(op.getName() + this.getNextOpCpt());
00332                 vec.add(op);
00333                 if (op instanceof DotDivision || op instanceof DotMultiplication) {
00334                         for (Element e : op.getInput()) {
00335                                 if (e instanceof Variable) {
00336                                         this.addPragma(getTrueName(e.getName()), "vector");
00337                                 }
00338                         }
00339                 }
00340                 return vec;
00341         }
00349         public Vector<Element> createNot(Vector<Element> a, Not not) {
00350                 Vector<Element> vec = new Vector<Element>();
00351                 vec.addAll(a);
00352                 vec.remove(vec.lastIndexOf(a.lastElement()));
00353                 if (a.lastElement() instanceof Negation) {
00354                         vec.add(a.lastElement());
00355                         not.addInput(((Operation) a.lastElement()).getOutputAt(0));
00356                 } else {
00357                         not.addInput(a.lastElement());
00358                 }
00359                 vec.add(not);
00360                 return vec;
00361         }
00367         public int getNextOpCpt() {
00368                 return this.opCpt++;
00369         }
00382         public void treeToVector() {
00383                 this.treeToVector(top);
00384         }
00390         public void treeToVector(Function parent) {
00391                 parent.setBody(this.convertBody(parent.getBody(), parent));
00392                 if (parent instanceof LoopWhile) {
00393                         ((LoopWhile) parent).setCond(this.convertBody(((LoopWhile) parent).getCond(), parent));
00394                 }
00395         }
00402         private Vector<Element> convertBody(Vector<Element> vec, Element parent) {
00403                 Vector<Element> newel = new Vector<Element>();
00404                 if (vec == null || vec.isEmpty()) {
00405                         return vec;
00406                 }
00407                 for (Element e : vec) {
00408                         if (e instanceof Operation) {
00409                                 newel.addAll(this.convertOperation((Operation) e, parent));
00410                         } 
00411                         else if (e instanceof Switch) { 
00412                                 Switch sw = (Switch) parent;
00413                                 for (Case c : sw.getCases()) {
00414                                         c.setBody(this.convertBody(c.getBody(), parent));
00415                                 }
00416                         }
00417                         else if (e instanceof IfThenElse) { 
00418                                 newel.add(e);
00419                                 IfThenElse ite = (IfThenElse) e;
00420                                 ite.setBodyTrue(this.convertBody(ite.getBodyTrue(), ite));
00421                                 ite.setBodyFalse(this.convertBody(ite.getBodyFalse(), ite));
00422                                 ite.setCond(this.convertBody(ite.getCond(), ite));
00423                                 for(Element element : ite.internalVars) {
00424                                         if(!((Function)parent).internalVars.contains(element))
00425                                                 ((Function)parent).internalVars.add(element);
00426                                 }
00427                         }
00428                         else if(e instanceof Function ) {
00429                                 newel.add(e);
00430                                 treeToVector((Function) e);
00431                         }
00432                 }
00433                 return newel;
00434         }
00441         private Vector<Element> convertOperation(Operation op, Element parent) {
00442                 Vector<Element> vec = new Vector<Element>();
00443                 Vector<Element> input;
00444                 SimpleVariable tmp;
00445                 input = op.getInput();
00446                 op.setInput(new Vector<Element>());
00447                 for (Element e : input) {
00448                         if (e instanceof Operation) {
00449                                 vec.addAll(this.convertOperation((Operation) e, parent));
00450                                 // if operation need to be separate, create a temporary value
00451                                 tmp = new SimpleVariable(TMP_NAME + "_m2m_" + tmpCpt++);
00452                                 ((Operation) e).addOutput(tmp);
00453                                 ((Function)parent).addInternalVar(tmp);
00454                                 op.addInput(tmp);
00455                         } else if (e instanceof Variable) {
00456                                 op.addInput(e);
00457                         }
00458                 }
00459                 vec.add(op);
00460                 return vec;
00461         }
00469         public Vector<Element> createAff(Variable var, Vector<Element> expr) {
00470                 Vector<Element> vec = new Vector<Element>();
00471                 Operation result = new Assignment();
00472                 if (expr.lastElement() instanceof Variable) {
00473                         // Add all element of expr to vec except the last one
00474                         vec.addAll(expr);
00475                         vec.removeElementAt(vec.lastIndexOf(expr.lastElement()));
00476                         // If that's a SimpleVariable, juste add to the assignment
00477                         result.addInput((Variable) expr.lastElement());
00478                         result.setName("aff" + this.opCpt++);
00479                         var.setType(((Variable) expr.lastElement()).getType());
00480                         if (var instanceof SimpleVariable) {
00481                                 ((SimpleVariable) var).setSize(((Variable) expr.lastElement()).getSize());
00482                         }
00483                         if (((Variable) expr.lastElement()).getType().equals("const")) {
00484                                 ((SimpleVariable) var).setVal((((Variable) expr.lastElement()).getVal()));
00485                         }
00486                 } else if (expr.lastElement() instanceof Negation) {
00487                         // Add all elements of expr to vec
00488                         vec.addAll(expr);
00489                         result.addInput(((Negation) expr.lastElement()).getOutputAt(0));
00490                         result.setName("aff" + this.opCpt++);
00491                         var.setType(((Variable) ((Negation) expr.lastElement()).getOutputAt(0)).getType());
00492                 } else if (expr.lastElement() instanceof Operation) {
00493                         vec.addAll(expr);
00494                         vec.removeElementAt(vec.lastIndexOf(expr.lastElement()));
00495                         result = ((Operation) expr.lastElement());
00496                         //var.setType(((Variable)((Operation)expr.lastElement()).getOutputAt(0)).getType());
00497                 }
00498                 result.addOutput(var);
00499                 vec.add(result);
00500                 return vec;
00501         }
00508         public SimpleVariable createInOut(String name) {
00509                 SimpleVariable var = null;
00510                 if (this.varMap.containsKey(name)) {
00511                         var = this.varMap.get(name);
00512                 } else {
00513                         var = new SimpleVariable(name);
00514                         this.varMap.put(name, var);
00515                 }
00516                 if (this.pragmaMap.containsKey(getTrueName(name))) {
00517                         ((SimpleVariable) var).setType(this.pragmaMap.get(getTrueName(name)));
00518                 }
00519                 return var;
00520         }
00535         public Vector<Element> createVar(String name, ArrayList<Double> val,
00536                           String type,int size, boolean minus) {
00537                 //int size = val.size();
00538                 SimpleVariable var = null;
00539                 Vector<Element> vec = new Vector<Element>();
00540                 if (name.isEmpty()) {
00541                         // If it as no name, it don't exist so we simply create
00542                         vec.add(new SimpleVariable(val));
00543                 } else if (minus && !negList.contains(name)) {
00544                         Negation neg = null;
00545                         // If it's negative and never declared before
00546                         neg = new Negation();
00547                         var = (SimpleVariable) this.createVar(getTrueName(name) + "_m2m_n",
00548                                           0.0, "", false).lastElement();
00549                         if (this.pragmaMap.containsKey(name)) {
00550                                 var.setType(this.pragmaMap.get(name));
00551                         }
00552                         neg.addOutput(var);
00553                         neg.addInput(this.createVar(name, 0.0, "", false).lastElement());
00554                         neg.setName("neg" + this.opCpt++);
00555                         this.negList.add(name);
00556                         vec.add(neg);
00557                         vec.add(var);
00558                 } else if (minus) {
00559                         // If negative and already declared
00560                         vec.add(this.createVar(name + "_m2m_n", 0.0, "", false).lastElement());
00561                 } else {
00562                         // If normal variable
00563                         if (this.varMap.containsKey(name)) {
00564                                 var = this.varMap.get(name);
00565                         } else {
00566                                 var = new SimpleVariable(name, val, type);
00567                                 var.setSize(size);
00568                       ;
00569                                 this.varMap.put(name, var);
00570                         }
00571                         if (this.pragmaMap.containsKey(getTrueName(name))) {
00572                                 ((SimpleVariable) var).setType(this.pragmaMap.get(getTrueName(name)));
00573                         }
00574                         vec.add(var);
00575                 }
00576                 return vec;
00577         }
00585         public static String getTrueName(String name) {
00586                 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, "_");
00587                 String trueName = new String();
00588                 String tmp = new String();
00589                 if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
00590                         trueName = st.nextToken();
00591                 }
00592                 while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
00593                         tmp = st.nextToken();
00594                         if (tmp.equals("m2m")) {
00595                                 return trueName;
00596                         }
00597                         trueName += "_" + tmp;
00598                 }
00599                 return trueName;
00600         }
00607         public Vector<Element> createSimpleVar(SimpleVariable var) {
00608                 return this.createVar(var.getName(), var.getValues(), var.getType(), var.getSize(), false);
00609         }
00617         public Vector<Element> createVar(Variable var) {
00618                 Vector<Element> vec = null;
00619                 if (var instanceof VectorVariable) {
00620                         vec = this.createVar(((VectorVariable) var).getVar());
00621                 } else if (var instanceof SimpleVariable) {
00622                         vec = this.createSimpleVar((SimpleVariable) var);
00623                 }
00624                 return vec;
00625         }
00635         public Vector<Element> createVar(String name, double val,
00636                           String type, boolean minus) {
00637                 ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
00638                 values.add(val);
00639                 return this.createVar(name, values, type, 1, minus);
00640         }
00647         public Vector<Element> createVar(String name) {
00648                 ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
00649                 //values.add(0.0);
00650                 return this.createVar(name, values, "", 0, false);
00651         }
00657         public void count(Element el) {
00658                 el.setName(el.getName() + this.opCpt++);
00659         }
00669         public void createInOutAff(Function top, HashMap<String, ReadWriteIndex> map) {
00670                 Assignment aff;
00671                 String name;
00672                 int cpt = 0;
00673                 if (top == null) {
00674                         top =;
00675                 }
00676                 // Input aff
00677                 for (Element var : top.getInput()) {
00678                         name = var.getName();
00679                         if (this.varMap.containsKey(name + "_m2m_0")) {
00680                                 aff = new Assignment();
00681                                 aff.setName("aff_final_" + cpt++);
00682                                 aff.addInput(var);
00683                                 aff.addOutput(this.varMap.get(name + "_m2m_0"));
00684                                 top.addBodyToTop(aff);
00685                         } else {
00686                                 aff = new Assignment();
00687                                 aff.setName("aff_final_" + cpt++);
00688                                 Variable tmp = (Variable) this.createVar(name + "_m2m_0", 0.0, "", false).lastElement();
00689                                 aff.addInput(var);
00690                                 aff.addOutput(tmp);
00691                                 top.addBodyToTop(aff);
00692                         }
00693                 }
00694                 // Output aff
00695                 for (Element var : top.getOutput()) {
00696                         name = var.getName();
00697                         if(map.containsKey(name))
00698                         if (this.varMap.containsKey(name + "_m2m_" + ((ReadWriteIndex)map.get(name)).getReadIndex())) {
00699                                 aff = new Assignment();
00700                                 aff.setName("aff_final_" + cpt++);
00701                                 aff.addInput(this.varMap.get(name + "_m2m_" +((ReadWriteIndex)map.get(name)).getReadIndex()));
00702                                 aff.addOutput(var);
00703                                 top.addBody(aff);
00704                         }
00705                 }
00706         }
00713         public void addPragma(String pragma) {
00714                 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(pragma, " :\t");
00715                 String name = null;
00716                 String type = null;
00717                 if (st.countTokens() == 3 & st.nextToken().equals("%m2m")) {
00718                         name = st.nextToken();
00719                         type = st.nextToken();
00720                         //System.out.println(name+"\t"+type);
00721                         this.pragmaMap.put(name, type);
00722                         this.changeType(, name, type);
00723                         //System.out.println("Nombre d'occurences de la variable modifiée :"
00724                         //                + this.changeType(, name, type));
00725                 } else {
00726                         System.out.println("#Le pragma ne respecte pas le standard!");
00727                 }
00728         }
00736         public void addPragma(String name, String type) {
00737                 this.pragmaMap.put(name, type);
00738                 this.changeType(, name, type);
00739                 System.out.println("Nombre d'occurences de la variable modifiée :" + this.changeType(, name, type));
00740         }
00749         private int changeType(Element top, String name, String type) {
00750                 int nb = 0;
00751                 if (top instanceof Function) {
00752                         if (top instanceof LoopFor) {
00753                                 nb += this.changeType(((LoopFor) top).getStart(), name, type);
00754                                 nb += this.changeType(((LoopFor) top).getIncr(), name, type);
00755                                 nb += this.changeType(((LoopFor) top).getEnd(), name, type);
00756                         }
00757                         for (Element el : ((Function) top).getInput()) {
00758                                 nb += this.changeType(el, name, type);
00759                         }
00760                         for (Element el : ((Function) top).getOutput()) {
00761                                 nb += this.changeType(el, name, type);
00762                         }
00763                         for (Element el : ((Function) top).getInternalVars()) {
00764                                 nb += this.changeType(el, name, type);
00765                         }
00766                         for (Element el : ((Function) top).getBody()) {
00767                                 nb += this.changeType(el, name, type);
00768                         }
00769                 } else if (top instanceof Operation) {
00770                         for (Element el : ((Operation) top).getInput()) {
00771                                 nb += this.changeType(el, name, type);
00772                         }
00773                         for (Element el : ((Operation) top).getOutput()) {
00774                                 nb += this.changeType(el, name, type);
00775                         }
00776                 } else if (top instanceof SimpleVariable) {
00777                         if (getTrueName(top.getName()).equals(name)) {
00778                                 ((SimpleVariable) top).setType(type);
00779                                 return 1;
00780                         }
00781                 } else if (top instanceof VectorVariable) {
00782                         if (getTrueName(top.getName()).equals(name)) {
00783                                 ((SimpleVariable) ((VectorVariable) top).getVar()).setType(type);
00784                                 return 1;
00785                         }
00786                 }
00787                 return nb;
00788         }
00796         public void changeVar(Element top, Variable varin, Variable varout) {
00797                 if (top instanceof Function) {
00798                         for (Element el : ((Function) top).getBody()) {
00799                                 this.changeVar(el, varin, varout);
00800                         }
00801                         while (((Function) top).getInput().indexOf(varin) != -1) {
00802                                 ((Function) top).getInput().set(((Function) top).getInput().indexOf(varin), varout);
00803                         }
00804                         while (((Function) top).getOutput().indexOf(varin) != -1) {
00805                                 ((Function) top).getOutput().set(((Function) top).getOutput().indexOf(varin), varout);
00806                         }
00807                         if (top instanceof IfThenElse) {
00808                                 for (Element el : ((IfThenElse) top).getCond()) {
00809                                         this.changeVar(el, varin, varout);
00810                                 }
00811                                 for (Element el : ((IfThenElse) top).getBodyTrue()) {
00812                                         this.changeVar(el, varin, varout);
00813                                 }
00814                                 for (Element el : ((IfThenElse) top).getBodyFalse()) {
00815                                         this.changeVar(el, varin, varout);
00816                                 }
00817                         }
00818                 } else if (top instanceof Operation) {
00819                         while (((Operation) top).getInput().indexOf(varin) != -1) {
00820                                 ((Operation) top).getInput().set(((Operation) top).getInput().indexOf(varin), varout);
00821                         }
00822                         while (((Operation) top).getOutput().indexOf(varin) != -1) {
00823                                 ((Operation) top).getOutput().set(((Operation) top).getOutput().indexOf(varin), varout);
00824                         }
00825                 }
00826         }
00828         public void findInBody(Element top, HashMap<String, ReadWriteIndex> cpt) {
00829                 HashMap<String, Integer> list = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
00830                 if (top instanceof LoopFor) {
00831                         for (Element el : ((LoopFor) top).getBody()) {
00832                                 if (el instanceof Operation) {
00833                                         for (Element in : ((Operation) el).getInput()) {
00834                                                 String name = getTrueName(in.getName());
00835                                                 if (in instanceof Variable
00836                                                                   & !((Variable) in).getType().equals("const")
00837                                                                   & !((Variable) in).getType().equals("iter")
00838                                                                   & !((LoopFor) top).getInput().contains(in)
00839                                                                   & !name.equalsIgnoreCase(TMP_NAME)) {
00840                                                         list.put(name, ((ReadWriteIndex)cpt.get(name)).getReadIndex());
00841                                                 }
00842                                         }
00843                                 } else if (el instanceof Function) {
00844                                         for (Element in : ((Function) el).getInput()) {
00845                                                 String name = getTrueName(in.getName());
00846                                                 if (in instanceof Variable
00847                                                                   & !((LoopFor) top).getInput().contains(in)
00848                                                                   & !name.equalsIgnoreCase(TMP_NAME) 
00849                                                                   & !((Variable) in).getType().equals("iter")) {
00850                                                         list.put(name, ((ReadWriteIndex)cpt.get(name)).getReadIndex());
00851                                                         //((LoopFor) top).addInput(in);
00852                                                 }
00853                                         }
00854                                 }
00855                         }
00856                 }
00858                 for (String s : list.keySet()) 
00859                 {
00860                         Element e = this.createVar(s + "_m2m_" + ((ReadWriteIndex)cpt.get(s)).getReadIndex()).lastElement();
00861                         if(!((LoopFor) top).getInput().contains(e) && ((Variable) e).getType().equals("iter"))
00862                                 ((LoopFor) top).addInput(e);
00863                 }
00864         }
00871         public boolean isVariable(String name) {
00872                 for (String var : this.varMap.keySet()) {
00873                         if (getTrueName(var).equals(name)) {
00874                                 return true;
00875                         }
00876                 }
00877                 return false;
00878         }
00884         public Vector<Variable> monitoredVar() {
00885                 Vector<Variable> vec = new Vector<Variable>();
00886                 for (SimpleVariable var : varMap.values()) {
00887                         if (var.monitor) {
00888                                 vec.add(var);
00889                         }
00890                 }
00891                 return vec;
00892         }
00900         public void setBlock(Element top, String opName, BuildingBlock block) {
00901                 if (top instanceof Function) {
00902                         for (Element el : ((Function) top).getBody()) {
00903                                 this.setBlock(el, opName, block);
00904                         }
00905                 } else if (top instanceof Operation) {
00906                         if (((Operation) top).getOpName().equals(opName)) {
00907                                 ((Operation) top).setBlock(block);
00908                         }
00909                 }
00910         }
00918         public boolean writeVHDL(String vhdlPath) {
00919                 File file = new File(".vhd");
00920                 FileWriter fw = null;
00921                 try {
00922                         // Intialization of the cost of all SimpleVariable
00923                         setCost(;
00925                         fw = new FileWriter(file);
00926                         String sVhdl = new String();
00928                         VHDLCreator vhdl = new VHDLCreator(, project);
00929                         vhdl.wrapTop(vhdlPath);
00930                         sVhdl = vhdl.createVHDL(file.getName());        
00932                         fw.write(sVhdl);
00933                         fw.close();
00935                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
00936                         e.printStackTrace();
00937                         return false;
00938                 } catch (IOException e) {
00939                         e.printStackTrace();
00940                         return false;
00941                 } catch (VHDLException e) {
00942                         System.out.println("#Unable to create VHDL file! "+e.getMessage());
00943                         return false;
00944                 }
00945                 System.out.println("VHDL file written!");
00946                 return true;
00947         }
00952         public void print() {
00953                 System.out.println(;
00954         }
00962         public boolean writeSchematic(String outFile) {
00963                 File file = new File(outFile);
00964                 FileWriter fw;
00965                 try {
00966                         fw = new FileWriter(file);
00967                         String str = this.createSchematic();
00968                         fw.write(str);
00969                         fw.close();
00970                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
00971                         e.printStackTrace();
00972                         return false;
00973                 } catch (IOException e) {
00974                         e.printStackTrace();
00975                         return false;
00976                 }
00977                 System.out.println("Schematic file written!");
00978                 return true;
00979         }
00986         private String createSchematic() {
00987                 String sSchema = new String();
00988                 sSchema += "digraph G  {\n";
00989                 sSchema += top.toSchematic(1, "", GraphParams.defaultShape, "");
00990                 sSchema += "\n}";
00991                 return sSchema;
00992         }
00997         public void writeOctaveFile() {
00998                 this.writeOctaveFile(null);
00999         }
01005         public boolean writeOctaveFile(String outFile) {
01006                 File file;
01007                 if (outFile == null) {
01008                         file = new File("test/" + + ".m");
01009                         System.out.println(file.getName());
01010                 } else {
01011                         file = new File(outFile);
01012                 }
01013                 FileWriter fw;
01014                 try {
01015                         fw = new FileWriter(file);
01016                         String str = this.createOctave();
01017                         fw.write(str);
01018                         fw.close();
01019                 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
01020                         e.printStackTrace();
01021                         return false;
01022                 } catch (IOException e) {
01023                         e.printStackTrace();
01024                         return false;
01025                 }
01026                 System.out.println("Octave file written!");
01027                 return true;
01028         }
01034         private String createOctave() {
01035                 String sOctave = new String();
01036                 sOctave +=;
01037                 return sOctave;
01038         }
01044         public void clean(Vector<Element> body, Vector<Element> varVector) 
01045         {       
01046                 Vector<Function> functionVector = new Vector<Function>();
01047                 Element element;
01048                 Vector<Element> elementList = new Vector<Element>();
01049                 Iterator<Element> iterElement;
01050                 Element tempElement;
01052                 /* Get all children functions and read simple variable */
01053                 elementList.addAll(body);
01054                 iterElement = elementList.iterator();
01055                 while (iterElement.hasNext()) 
01056                 {
01057                         element =;
01059                         if (element instanceof Operation) {
01060                                 varVector.add(((Operation)element).getInputAt(0));                      
01061                                 if(((Operation)element).getInput().size() > 1) {
01062                                         tempElement = ((Operation)element).getInputAt(1);               
01063                                         if(tempElement instanceof Operation)    
01064                                                 elementList.add(tempElement);
01065                                         else
01066                                                 varVector.add(tempElement);
01067                                 }
01068                         }
01069                         else if (element instanceof Function) {
01070                                 varVector.addAll(((Function)element).getInput());
01071                                 functionVector.add((Function)element);  
01072                         }
01075                         elementList.remove(elementList.indexOf(element));
01076                         iterElement = elementList.iterator();   
01077                 }
01079                 /* Clean all children function */
01080                 Vector<Element> tmpVarVector = new Vector<Element>();
01081                 for(Function function : functionVector)
01082                 {
01083                         for(Element variable : function.outputVars)
01084                         {
01085                                 if(!varVector.contains(variable))
01086                                         tmpVarVector.add(variable);     
01087                         }       
01088                         function.outputVars.removeAll(tmpVarVector);
01089                         if(function instanceof IfThenElse)
01090                         {
01091                                 clean(((IfThenElse)function).getBodyTrue() , varVector); 
01092                                 clean(((IfThenElse)function).getBodyFalse() , varVector); 
01093                         }
01094                         else
01095                                 clean(function.body, varVector); 
01096                 }
01097         }
01105         public void updateConditionsFor(HashMap<String, ReadWriteIndex> tmpVar, HashMap<String, ReadWriteIndex> cptVar, LoopFor loopFor) 
01106         {       
01107                 /* Update the end simple variable if it's used into the loop */
01108                 String name = getTrueName(loopFor.getEnd().getName());
01109                 if(cptVar.get(name) != null && ((ReadWriteIndex)tmpVar.get(name)).getReadIndex() != ((ReadWriteIndex)cptVar.get(name)).getReadIndex()-1)
01110                         loopFor.setEnd((SimpleVariable)createVar(name +"_m2m_"+(((ReadWriteIndex)cptVar.get(name)).getReadIndex())).lastElement());
01112                 /* Update the increment simple variable if it's used into the loop */
01113                 name = getTrueName(loopFor.getIncr().getName());
01114                 if(cptVar.get(name) != null && ((ReadWriteIndex)tmpVar.get(name)).getReadIndex() != ((ReadWriteIndex)cptVar.get(name)).getReadIndex()-1)
01115                         loopFor.setIncr((SimpleVariable)createVar(name +"_m2m_"+(((ReadWriteIndex)cptVar.get(name)).getReadIndex())).lastElement());
01116         }
01125         public void updateConditionsWhile(HashMap<String, ReadWriteIndex> tmpVar, HashMap<String, ReadWriteIndex> cptVar, LoopWhile loopWhile) 
01126         {       
01127                 String name;
01128                 Element e;
01130                 /* Go throught all operation of the condition */
01131                 for(Element op : loopWhile.getCond())
01132                 {
01133                         /* Udate the first input of the operation */
01134                         for(int i = 0; i < ((Operation)op).getInput().size(); i++)
01135                         {
01136                                 e = ((Operation)op).getInputAt(i);
01137                                 name = getTrueName(e.getName());
01138                                 if(cptVar.get(name) != null && !name.equals(TMP_NAME) && ((ReadWriteIndex)tmpVar.get(name)).getReadIndex() != ((ReadWriteIndex)cptVar.get(name)).getReadIndex()-1)
01139                                         ((Operation)op).setInputAt(i, ((SimpleVariable)createVar(name +"_m2m_"+(((ReadWriteIndex)cptVar.get(name)).getReadIndex())).lastElement()));
01140                         }
01141                 }
01142         }
01149         private void setCost(Function func)
01150         {
01151                 /* Initialize the cost of input varaible */
01152                 for(Element e : func.getInput())
01153                         ((SimpleVariable)e).setCost(0);
01155                 // Set set the cost of body elements
01156                 func.setMaxCost(setCost(func.getBody()));
01157         }
01163         private int setCost(Vector<Element> elements)
01164         {
01165                 int maxCost = 0;
01166                 int tempMaxCost = 0;
01168                 for(Element e : elements) {
01169                         if(e instanceof Operation)
01170                                 tempMaxCost = setCost((Operation)e);
01171                         else if(e instanceof IfThenElse)
01172                                 tempMaxCost = setCost((IfThenElse)e);
01173                         else if (e instanceof LoopFor) {
01174                                 LoopFor loop = (LoopFor)e;
01175                                 tempMaxCost = setCost(((LoopFor)e).getBody());
01176                                 ((SimpleVariable)loop.getIterOperation().getOutputAt(0)).setCost(loop.getIterOperation().getBlock().latencyTime()+1);
01177                                 loop.setMaxCost(tempMaxCost);
01178                                 loop.setRelativeMaxCost();
01179                         }
01181                         maxCost = maxCost < tempMaxCost ? tempMaxCost : maxCost;
01182                 }                       
01184                 return maxCost;
01185         }
01192         private int setCost(Operation op)
01193         {
01194                 int maxCost = 0;
01195                 int tmpCost = 0;
01196                 Vector<SimpleVariable> inputs = new Vector<SimpleVariable>();
01197                 Vector<Vector<Element>> variablesDependencies = new Vector<Vector<Element>>();
01198                 Vector<Element> resultDependencies = new Vector<Element>();
01200                 /* Initialisation of inputs */
01201                 for(int i = 0; i < op.getInput().size(); i++)
01202                         inputs.add((SimpleVariable) op.getInputAt(i));
01203                 if(op instanceof Multiplexer)
01204                         inputs.add((SimpleVariable)((Multiplexer)op).getSel());
01206                 /* Get the maximum input cost */
01207                 for(int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
01208                         SimpleVariable sv = inputs.elementAt(i);
01209                         variablesDependencies.add(sv.getVariableDependencies());
01210                         variablesDependencies.elementAt(i).add(sv);
01212                         if(op.getBlock() == null) {
01213                                 maxCost = sv.getCost();
01214                                 break;
01215                         } else {
01216                                 tmpCost = sv.getCost() + op.getBlock().latencyTime() + 1;
01217                                 maxCost = tmpCost > maxCost ? tmpCost : maxCost;
01218                         }
01219                 }       
01221                 /* Create result variable dependencies */
01222                 for(int i = 0; i < variablesDependencies.size(); i++) {
01223                         for(int j = 0; j < variablesDependencies.elementAt(i).size(); j++) {
01224                                 if(!resultDependencies.contains(variablesDependencies.elementAt(i).elementAt(j)))
01225                                         resultDependencies.add(variablesDependencies.elementAt(i).elementAt(j));
01226                         }
01227                 }
01229                 /* Set the maximum latency cost of outputs */
01230                 for(Element e : op.getOutput()) {
01231                         ((SimpleVariable)e).setCost(maxCost);
01232                         ((SimpleVariable)e).getVariableDependencies().addAll(resultDependencies);               
01233                 }
01235                 return maxCost;
01236         }
01243         private int setCost(IfThenElse ite)
01244         {
01245                 int maxCost = 0;
01246                 int tempMaxCost = 0;
01248                 tempMaxCost = setCost(ite.getCond());
01249                 maxCost = maxCost < tempMaxCost ? tempMaxCost : maxCost;
01251                 tempMaxCost = setCost(ite.getBodyTrue());
01252                 maxCost = maxCost < tempMaxCost ? tempMaxCost : maxCost;
01254                 tempMaxCost = setCost(ite.getBodyFalse());
01255                 maxCost = maxCost < tempMaxCost ? tempMaxCost : maxCost;
01257                 return maxCost;
01258         }
01265         public boolean getMonitor() { 
01266                 return (nbMonitor>0); 
01267         } 
01274         public void modifyMonitor(boolean monitor) {
01275                 if (monitor)
01276                         nbMonitor++;
01277                 else
01278                         nbMonitor--; 
01279         }
01281         public boolean isEmpty() {
01282                 if (top==null)
01283                         return true;
01284                 if (
01285                         return true;
01286                 return false;
01287         }
01289         public boolean fromXml(org.w3c.dom.Element el) {
01291                 this.sourceMd5 = XMLUtils.getTextValue(el, "sourceMd5","");
01292                 this.sourceCode = XMLUtils.getTextValue(el,"SourceCode","");
01293        Function();
01296                 NodeList nl = el.getElementsByTagName("Function");
01297                 if(nl != null && nl.getLength() > 0) {
01298                         org.w3c.dom.Element e = (org.w3c.dom.Element)nl.item(0);
01299                         if (e!=null) {
01300                       ;
01301                         }
01302                         else
01303                       ;
01304                 }
01306         //      this.setSimulationCalcPrecision(XMLUtils.getIntValue(el,"Precision",0));
01307         //      this.setNumberOfSamples(XMLUtils.getIntValue(el,"NbSamples",5000));
01308         //      this.setInputFrequency(XMLUtils.getFloatValue(el,"InputFrequency",(float)100.0));
01309         //      this.setOutputFrequency(XMLUtils.getFloatValue(el,"OutputFrequency",(float)100.0));
01310         //      this.setSystemFrequency(XMLUtils.getFloatValue(el,"SystemFrequency",(float)100.0));
01311                 return true;
01312         }
01314         public String getXmlTagName() {
01315                 return "Struct";
01316         }
01318         public org.w3c.dom.Element toXml(Document dom) {
01319                 org.w3c.dom.Element el;
01320                 el=dom.createElement(getXmlTagName());
01321                 el.appendChild(XMLUtils.createTextElement(dom,"sourceMd5",sourceMd5));
01322                 el.appendChild(XMLUtils.createTextElement(dom, "SourceCode",sourceCode));
01323                 if (top!=null)
01324                         el.appendChild(top.toXml(dom,false));
01325                 /*int monindex=0;
01326                 for(m2m.backend.structure.Element e : top.inputVars) {
01327                         if (e.getMonitor()) {
01328                                 el.appendChild(XMLUtils.createTextElement(dom,"Monitor"+monindex,e.getName()));
01329                                 monindex++;
01330                         }
01331                 }
01332                 for(m2m.backend.structure.Element e : top.outputVars) {
01333                         if (e.getMonitor()) {
01334                                 el.appendChild(XMLUtils.createTextElement(dom,"Monitor"+monindex,e.getName()));
01335                                 monindex++;
01336                         }
01337                 }
01338                 for(m2m.backend.structure.Element e : top.internalVars) {
01339                         if (e.getMonitor()) {
01340                                 el.appendChild(XMLUtils.createTextElement(dom,"Monitor"+monindex,e.getName()));
01341                                 monindex++;
01342                         }
01343                 }
01344                 */
01345                 return el;
01346         }
01353         public Vector<Element> postParse(Function function) 
01354         {
01355                 Vector<Element> elements = new Vector<Element>();
01356                 Vector<Element> removeElements = new Vector<Element>();
01358                 /* Add inputs variables to internals variables */
01359                 if(function instanceof LoopFor) {
01360                         for(Element e : function.getInput())
01361                                 function.addInternalVar(e);
01362                 }
01364                 elements = postParse(function.getBody());
01366                 /* Remove all unused element in the function level */
01367                 for(int i = 0; i < function.getInternalVars().size(); i++) {
01368                         if(!elements.contains(function.getInternalVars().elementAt(i)) && !function.inputVars.contains(function.getInternalVars().elementAt(i)))
01369                                 removeElements.add(function.getInternalVars().elementAt(i));
01370                 }
01372                 function.getInternalVars().removeAll(removeElements);
01374                 return elements;
01375         }
01383         public Vector<Element> postParse(Vector<Element> vector) 
01384         {
01385                 Vector<Element> elements = new Vector<Element>();
01387                 for(Element e : vector) {
01388                         if(e instanceof Operation) {
01389                                 for(Element input : ((Operation)e).getInput()) {
01390                                         if(!elements.contains(input))
01391                                                 elements.add(input);
01392                                 }
01393                                 for(Element output : ((Operation)e).getOutput()) {
01394                                         if(!elements.contains(output))
01395                                                 elements.add(output);
01396                                 }
01397                         }
01398                         else if (e instanceof IfThenElse) {
01399                                 elements.addAll(postParse(((IfThenElse)e).getBodyFalse()));
01400                                 elements.addAll(postParse(((IfThenElse)e).getBodyTrue()));
01401                                 elements.addAll(postParse(((IfThenElse)e).getCond()));
01402                         }
01403                         else if(e instanceof Function){
01404                                 postParse((Function)e);
01405                         }
01406                 }
01408                 return elements;
01409         }
01410 }
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